Tuesday 10 September 2013

Our Confession

The ICC Trial 

Such a tight, tough day for our Country as one of our own - "Face of Kenya" stands trial over the 2007 - 2008 Post Election violence.

Even after politicking, we are now seeing ourselves being shamed, stripped naked in the whole world. Thus making me remember the famous phrase "Choices have consequences" - Remark On Choices

We all ranted, and re-directed our anger to a Diplomat, who was neither a victim or an instigator of our own violence. Instead of listening, we just heard what he said. In the last months, it was all about making friends with the East and totally forgetting about  what our bible tells us on the powerful words inn Confession.
Kenya Confession To God  (when reading, replace the work Israel with Kenya)

There is something that a majority of us Kenyans missed - on the past elections, I wonder whom we were fooling. The leaders were all in cahoots with our God given destinies, & had forgotten about the powers of confession that has lead to where we are at now.

The powers of Confessing leaders is summed up in Ezra 10: 1 Ezra as a Ture Leader Testimony - when we all go to God in repentance, He shall hearken to our prayers.

But instead of turning towards God, & the truth, our leaders decided to take us to the East and thereby bringing out disgrace to our fundamental belief in God: "Ee Mungu Nguvu Yetu, Ilete Baraka Kwetu..."
Who mandated the leaders to go East? Do we not know where they came from & what their beliefs are? By setting up treaties with them, we are not different from  Israel During Ezra's Time

Our loving heavenly Father still loves us and would do everything not to see us go down the spiral of defeat. Just as it were with Job, on his Confession on his sins

I do urge our leaders to practice as Joshua taught Achan on confession: Leader's Confession because you are the face of Kenya, only God can heal the scars in your face. We do server a knowledgeable God who knows our weakness in all that we do, and He understands our innermost fear and shame. Just as the ruling in the days of the Israelites: Confession Rites - hence the reason why we have Bishops, Pastors who are God fearing & full of the Holy Spirit and stand tall under all circumstances.

As for the Priests and Servants of God, it is high-time we shun all politics, lest you lead us into distraction, because even though God loves us, He is not afraid to punish us, just as he did the Israelites in the book of Ezekiel.  You are charged with being steadfast and not taking sides, but speak of the Oracles as per the will of God, no matter how painful and unpleasing to the ear it may be. Take Kenya Back to God

So many at times, I have listened to false promises, while you yourselves know that it is not the truth, remember, the judgement from God is real and you shall be held accountable for your talk, actions and various advisory roles. I pray that the Church steps up so as to save the country from much anguish as has started revealing itself. All the Clan clashes, high prices, civilian unrest, children waywardness is not accidental but warnings of a nation bound because of bad choices we made. Let us not give the enemy a chance in our lives because we are responsible for everything we have. The judgement is real, and we cannot run away from it.

However, I believe all shall be well, because we do serve a merciful  God, who wants to bless our coming in & going out because we belong to him.


Thursday 23 May 2013

Job & Careers

23rd May 2013 - a Thursday, me thinks: this fast, I am not really feeling it, but then it has a sobering effect on me in more than one ways. 

Villa took it up, and decided on it on Sunday about Monday, were in dilemma, say yes to it - then I do not feel like, say no - I'd have that guilt consciousness through out. God really works in mysterious ways. At about 0645hrs, she asks: "Cla - what are we praying about today?". This is quite a hard question, me thinks, heck - anything aside from family & us, then a gentle whisper "Career"

I have actually been a victim of this as well - work hard, get a nice salary... So here I am, just gulped out career, but then there is always an infinite wisdom that comes with days of prayer and fasting. Though you get too many uncomfortable questions to answer in the office "We missed you today, why you not coming to lunch with us?". I am not sure whether "white lies" exist - since I have to get an excuse & not let them know there is a fast going on. 

That was a by-the-way. Where were, we, ah yes career. That word started a very long time ago, actually Saul who later became Paul, made persecution his career with all the smartness he possessed, he did not like anything to do with Christianity. 

"Galatians 1:13
The Message (MSG)
13-16 I’m sure that you’ve heard the story of my earlier life when I lived in the Jewish way. In those days I went all out in persecuting God’s church. I was systematically destroying it. I was so enthusiastic about the traditions of my ancestors that I advanced head and shoulders above my peers in my career. Even then God had designs on me. Why, when I was still in my mother’s womb he chose and called me out of sheer generosity! Now he has intervened and revealed his Son to me so that I might joyfully tell non-Jews about him.

"1 Thessalonians 2:14
The Message (MSG)
14-16 Friends, do you realize that you followed in the exact footsteps of the churches of God in Judea, those who were the first to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ? You got the same bad treatment from your countrymen as they did from theirs, the Jews who killed the Master Jesus (to say nothing of the prophets) and followed it up by running us out of town. They make themselves offensive to God and everyone else by trying to keep us from telling people who’ve never heard of our God how to be saved. They’ve made a career of opposing God, and have gotten mighty good at it. But God is fed up, ready to put an end to it.

Then next I discovered interesting stuff about Job, while at it - it never occurred to me how highly regarded Job is by all 3 religions that matter: yep, 3 - Judaism, Christianity, Islam "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Job_(biblical_figure)

Finally, I arrived my destination, which made me know - the reason the fast was declared was that one day - being today, I shall be able to find a very nagging question about Careers & Jobs...


There we go, have a great, wonderful and fulfilling day. 

Friday 17 May 2013

The Prayer

I do not know how I found myself back here, well... The journey started a little shy of one year ago. That means one of 2 things: Either the days are fast hence we ageing faster or, were too busy to realise that time gets lesser and lesser with each minute, hour, day, week, month ( the list being endless) 

This blog has an attachment in life, I seem drawn to it by circumstances & I hope by the end of the reflections, there are going to be insights - honestly I have no idea why I am here. 

When men mature into what they are- they cross so many challenges from being an infant, to a boy, in through active youth. There is always a path to adventure that does not die or slow down. When I met the person whom I really loved/ liked: I needed accountability and sense of belonging. That however changed and I honestly doubt if there were some things had I known before I would consent to this union without putting up a fight. 

Do not get me wrong, marriage is an absolute great thing & it has very many benefits, some being you soberring up and know you need to think, work smart because you are no longer one or two, but a bunch of people -  with the inclusion of relatives from both sides, the other African fact is that when married, parents start entrusting you with family issues - talk about being thrown into the deep end. 

Then there is this strange person "The Lady", what a creation, quite smart, but rather irritating from the on-set . With over 5000 expressions in a month, clearly I as a man cannot catch up. I am still yet to get through some set of traumas...

  • You error in something - woe unto you, you keep on experimenting until you find what she ever likes, that never comes cheap, not in terms of cash but effort. Be it the ice-creams, flowers, cooking her favourite meal, one thing I still do not understand is why there is a different solace in each span of anger but they never forget any wrong thing!
  • How does someone wake up happy in the morning, only to have a long face once out of the shower in less than 20 minutes
  • Those feminine visits to the doctor honestly do scare any man - since men only go to hospital either under so much pain, or be dragged by their wives to go see a doctor. Once you are at the doctors, the "Macho" look does the trick
  • I am yet to find a man who is comfortable with their wives chat, honestly I do at times switch off during some chat - woe unto I when I am told the same old story "You not listening!" or "but I told you to keep your calendar open "
  • All over a sudden, I have to ask for permission to go visit my dad! Now that is a classic, no wonder we are always told to read into the blue print before signing any contracts. I am yet to get another response from men, we all over a sudden have to report back to someone when we want to venture into something - better give enough time for notification 
Today 17th May 2013, I woke up to some cold morning, save for the morning alarm. The bed was massive, then I remembered, there is no sequence! I had to get out of bed, go to the kitchen, make my own breakfast, time my much loved shower so as to be out of the house in time for work. This time I remembered to take out the trash, wash the dishes and all.

Where was she? Hmmm - work commitments (team building) - next time, they should consider spouses as well for such activities. But one thing is that it made me feel responsible & that as much as we love to hate and hate to love each other's space, we still belong together. As I left the house, I heard that familiar tone, "Cla! Please pray before we leave" - I actually did day an honest prayer today because i had a choice of either praying or not, but I did pray. 

Ok - back to work now.! More to follow... 

Monday 9 July 2012


Beginning of a journey, that has so many dimensions to life and knowledge, all the misinterpretations and misconceptions in life. All I am armed with is a "Little Seed", which bears faith into what is to become a guide for those in the same and those who shall pass through the same path.

There is something great in me, just like a semi-dormant volcano, now threatening to erupt - full of promises and hope for the future.